Calgary Suzuki Strings Association

Virtual Parent and Teacher Workshop

Beyond the Notes

Collaborative Teaching, Lifelong Impact, and Inspiring Practice

Friday February 21, 2025 from 7:00-8:30 pm

Join us for an inspiring workshop with Merlin Thompson for today's music teachers and parents. "Merlin looks beyond the practice room [and the music studio] to consider ways in which music making can be meaningful to students as they reach out to their respective communities and reach in to better understand themselves."

Some of Merlin's insights and gems:

  • Discover curriculum models and learn about aligning the model to meet the students' musical aspirations.
  • Make the musical journey a shared experience.
  • Step in, Step back, and Let Go.
  • Mistakes aren't the problem. Mistakes are part of the solution.
  • Build on and exercise what's already there.
  • Making music is the perfect workout for human character.

Come be inspired and motivated in improving your student's musical journey! For parents and teachers of any instrument.

The Workshop will include a presentation and Q&A.

Clinician Bio:

Merlin B. Thompson (PhD, MA, BMus) is an award-winning music studio teacher with nearly 50 years teaching experience. His recent projects include workshops and mentorships for hundreds of music students, their parents, and teachers throughout Canada, USA, China, New Zealand, Australia, and Finland. Merlin is Founder of Teach Music 21C and author of “More than Music Lessons”. He enjoys helping everyone make strong connections to lifelong music making.


All participants please register at the link below. There is a $10 participation fee for CSSA Members or $20 for Non-members.